In previous installments of our Creating the Startup Dream Team blog series we explored who you might need on your team and where you can find talented people to join your startup. In our final installment, we discuss why your core team matters and how you can make the pitch to early team members.
Read More »Building a business is like building a house — there is nothing more important than a solid foundation. Before pursuing funding or forging ahead in developing your product, it’s important to check in, reassess, and make sure you can answer these 5 core questions about your business.
Read More »High-skilled, experienced talent is everywhere nowadays, especially since working remotely is now more accessible. But how do you actually start finding talent? Netcapital Advisors spoke with Arist Co-Founder Maxine Anderson to help us answer that question and outlined a few places for you to start ...
Read More »As an entrepreneur, you’ve probably heard of (and lived) the phrase “wearing multiple hats”. It’s inevitable as a small business owner that you occasionally step in to fill the gaps in your team. However, if you’re in the process of expanding your business or looking further down the road, there are...
Read More »TV shows and movies like to show corporate boardrooms as chock full of dramatic office politics. For a lot of first time entrepreneurs, that Hollywood idea of a board might be the first thing that comes to mind. But in real life, things couldn’t be more different. As an entrepreneur, you’ve likely h...
Read More »As an entrepreneur, you have to make one of your most important business decisions upfront, right at the beginning of your journey. Before you start working on the product, pitching investors, or finding customers, you have to decide whether or not you need a co-founder. In this installment of our E...
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